Miki Miki Academy Demo Mac OS

Miki Miki Academy Demo Mac OS

May 31 2021

Miki Miki Academy Demo Mac OS

IT Training and Tutorials. Our IT training helps you solve real-world practical computing issues and practice for certification exams. Dive into troubleshooting Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X; set up networks, servers, and client services; manage big data; and keep your organization's network secure. Markdown works with BBEdit 6.1 or later on Mac OS X. (It also works with BBEdit 5.1 or later and MacPerl 5.6.1 on Mac OS 8.6 or later.) Copy the 'Markdown.pl' file to appropriate filters folder in your 'BBEdit Support' folder. On Mac OS X, this should be.

  1. The playable Battle Academy demo, version 2.1.1. Note that this file is for Mac OS X based systems only. Battle Academy Demo 2.1.1 Apr 16 2013 Demo The playable.
  2. Mac: OS X 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11; CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz or more; RAM memory: 2GB or more (or more recommended 4GB) HDD: Windows: 14GB or more of free space (NTFS format) Mac: 14GB or more of free space (HFS + format) Installation Media: Windows: DVD-ROM (1 sheet) Mac: Download file.
We just released a Feb. 5 '89 prototype of DuckTales for the NES!
If you'd like to support our preservation efforts (and this wasn't cheap), please consider donating or supporting us on Patreon. Thank you!
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action

Developer: Sukeban Games
Publisher: Ysbryd Games
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Released internationally: June 21, 2016

This game has hidden development-related text.
This game has unused graphics.

This game has a prototype article

VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action is a self-described 'booze em' up about waifus, technology, and post-dystopia life' that takes place at the intersection of vintage cyberpunk anime, PC-98 games, and social drinking.

To do:
Comb through the rest of the sprite dump (see talk page). Also, plenty of prerelease stuff as well as interesting things in the Special Demo Version
  • 1Early Character Designs
  • 2Other Unused Graphics

Early Character Designs

A few character designs from early in development are still present in the final game, and can be seen using a tool capable of viewing/unpacking Game Maker Studio archives.


Some early development blog posts from 2014 and early 2015 featured a different design for Anna, with a brighter color scheme and a completely different glitch animation. This version of her design survived all the way until the version of the demo that was shown off at PAX East 2015, and can still be partially seen in the final game as part of her photo ID and one of the Steam achievement icons.

Sprites prefixed with 'anna_' belong to the original design. The final sprites are prefixed with 'annew_' instead.


(Source: VA-11 HALL-A - PAX East Highlights)
(Source: http://blog.waifubartending.com/post/95891778268/ok-so-the-ctc-is-not-there-yet-but-the-progress)
(Source: http://blog.waifubartending.com/post/111940052923/wah)

Kira Miki

The final game's resources contain two early versions of Kira Miki's sprites, at least one of which can be seen on the development blog.

These sprites are named 'kira_spr', 'kira_eyes', and 'kira_lips'. Screenshots featuring these sprites were shown off on the development blog in September 2014; her final design was shown off in July 2015.

Miki Miki Academy Demo Mac Os Catalina

(Source: http://blog.waifubartending.com/tagged/robot-girl)

These sprites are named 'miki_spr2', 'miki_eyes2', and 'miki_lips2'. In the demo, which contains both of these early designs but not the final design, the '2' is missing from the sprite names.

Other Unused Graphics

In addition to the early character designs, some other graphical remnants from the development process can be found in the final game as well.

Early Title Screen

The sprites 'city_backdrop' and 'city_front' make up part of an earlier title screen design which was featured in the PAX East demo.

(Source: VA-11 HALL-A - PAX East Highlights)

Early Break Background

The sprite 'break_bg1' contains some artwork which was originally shown during the mid-day break, as seen in a post from November 2014. The sprite 'break_eyes1' contains an additional two-frame animation of Jill's eyes blinking.

(Source: http://blog.waifubartending.com/post/102663102368/feast-your-eyes-on-these-brand-new-va-11-hall-a)

Practice Icon

The sprite 'practiceicon_spr' shows an app that at one point would have accessed a practice mode similar to the one featured in the Prologue. Another blog post from March 2015 shows Jill's phone/tablet with the icon present.

The practice mode was probably eventually removed since in the final game, you can take as much time as you want to make a drink, or start over as many times as you want with no penalty, which means a separate practice mode would be pretty redundant when you can just practice during the regular game at any time.

(Source: http://blog.waifubartending.com/post/114907913228/some-time-ago-we-teased-you-with-a-pic-of-jills)

Test Script

In the game's scripts directory, a script called 'testroom.txt' is present. To see this script ingame, open a save file, then set the third line to '-1' and the fifth line to '1', and load the modified save.

(The Windows version of the game stores saves in '%LocalAppData%VA_11_Hall_Asaves'. Other platforms will vary.)

The script consists of Anna and Dorothy both appearing at the same time and standing in the same place, with '...' appearing in the dialog box endlessly. Given the easily-editable nature of the script files, you could also edit testroom.txt to easily create your own scripts, using the other script files as a reference.

(Source: Original TCRF research)
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Home » language » Markdown Updated 2015-04-01 00:00

Version 1.0.1 - Tue 14 Dec 2004

by John Gruber


Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdownallows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain textformat, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).

Thus, 'Markdown' is two things: a plain text markup syntax, and asoftware tool, written in Perl, that converts the plain text markup to HTML.

Markdown works both as a Movable Type plug-in and as a standalone Perlscript -- which means it can also be used as a text filter in BBEdit(or any other application that supporst filters written in Perl).

Full documentation of Markdown's syntax and configuration options isavailable on the web: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/.(Note: this readme file is formatted in Markdown.)

Miki Miki Academy Demo Mac Os 11

Installation and Requirements

Markdown requires Perl 5.6.0 or later. Welcome to the 21st Century.Markdown also requires the standard Perl library module Digest::MD5.

Movable Type

Markdown works with Movable Type version 2.6 or later (including MT 3.0 or later).

  1. Copy the 'Markdown.pl' file into your Movable Type 'plugins' directory. The 'plugins' directory should be in the same directory as 'mt.cgi'; if the 'plugins' directory doesn't already exist, use your FTP program to create it. Your installation should look like this:

  2. Once installed, Markdown will appear as an option in Movable Type's Text Formatting pop-up menu. This is selectable on a per-post basis. Markdown translates your posts to HTML when you publish; the posts themselves are stored in your MT database in Markdown format.

  3. If you also install SmartyPants 1.5 (or later), Markdown will offer a second text formatting option: 'Markdown with SmartyPants'. This option is the same as the regular 'Markdown' formatter, except that automatically uses SmartyPants to create typographically correct curly quotes, em-dashes, and ellipses. See the SmartyPants web page for more information: http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/

  4. To make Markdown (or 'Markdown with SmartyPants') your default text formatting option for new posts, go to Weblog Config -> Preferences.

Note that by default, Markdown produces XHTML output. To configureMarkdown to produce HTML 4 output, see 'Configuration', below.


Markdown works with Blosxom version 2.x.

  1. Rename the 'Markdown.pl' plug-in to 'Markdown' (case is important). Movable Type requires plug-ins to have a '.pl' extension; Blosxom forbids it.

  2. Copy the 'Markdown' plug-in file to your Blosxom plug-ins folder. If you're not sure where your Blosxom plug-ins folder is, see the Blosxom documentation for information.

  3. That's it. The entries in your weblog will now automatically be processed by Markdown.

  4. If you'd like to apply Markdown formatting only to certain posts, rather than all of them, see Jason Clark's instructions for using Markdown in conjunction with Blosxom's Meta plugin:


Markdown works with BBEdit 6.1 or later on Mac OS X. (It also workswith BBEdit 5.1 or later and MacPerl 5.6.1 on Mac OS 8.6 or later.)

  1. Copy the 'Markdown.pl' file to appropriate filters folder in your 'BBEdit Support' folder. On Mac OS X, this should be:

    See the BBEdit documentation for more details on the location ofthese folders.

    You can rename 'Markdown.pl' to whatever you wish.

  2. That's it. To use Markdown, select some text in a BBEdit document, then choose Markdown from the Filters sub-menu in the '#!' menu, or the Filters floating palette


By default, Markdown produces XHTML output for tags with empty elements.E.g.:

Markdown can be configured to produce HTML-style tags; e.g.:

Movable Type

You need to use a special MTMarkdownOptions container tag in eachMovable Type template where you want HTML 4-style output:

The easiest way to use MTMarkdownOptions is probably to put theopening tag right after your <body> tag, and the closing tag rightbefore </body>.

To suppress Markdown processing in a particular template, i.e. topublish the raw Markdown-formatted text without translation into(X)HTML, set the output attribute to 'raw':


Use the --html4tags command-line switch to produce HTML output from aUnix-style command line. E.g.:

Type perldoc Markdown.pl, or read the POD documentation within theMarkdown.pl source code for more information.


To file bug reports or feature requests please send email to:markdown@daringfireball.net.

Version History

1.0.1 (14 Dec 2004):

  • Changed the syntax rules for code blocks and spans. Previously, backslash escapes for special Markdown characters were processed everywhere other than within inline HTML tags. Now, the contents of code blocks and spans are no longer processed for backslash escapes. This means that code blocks and spans are now treated literally, with no special rules to worry about regarding backslashes.

    NOTE: This changes the syntax from all previous versions ofMarkdown. Code blocks and spans involving backslash characterswill now generate different output than before.

  • Tweaked the rules for link definitions so that they must occur within three spaces of the left margin. Thus if you indent a link definition by four spaces or a tab, it will now be a code block.

    IMPORTANT: This may affect existing Markdown content if itcontains link definitions indented by 4 or more spaces.

  • Added >, +, and - to the list of backslash-escapable characters. These should have been done when these characters were added as unordered list item markers.

  • Trailing spaces and tabs following HTML comments and <hr/> tags are now ignored.

  • Inline links using < and > URL delimiters weren't working:

  • Added a bit of tolerance for trailing spaces and tabs after Markdown hr's.

  • Fixed bug where auto-links were being processed within code spans:

  • Sort-of fixed a bug where lines in the middle of hard-wrapped paragraphs, which lines look like the start of a list item, would accidentally trigger the creation of a list. E.g. a paragraph that looked like this:

    This is fixed for top-level lists, but it can still happen forsub-lists. E.g., the following list item will not be parsedproperly:

    Given Markdown's list-creation rules, I'm not sure this canbe fixed.

  • Standalone HTML comments are now handled; previously, they'd get wrapped in a spurious <p> tag.

  • Fix for horizontal rules preceded by 2 or 3 spaces.

  • <hr> HTML tags in must occur within three spaces of left margin. (With 4 spaces or a tab, they should be code blocks, but weren't before this fix.)

  • Capitalized 'With' in 'Markdown With SmartyPants' for consistency with the same string label in SmartyPants.pl. (This fix is specific to the MT plug-in interface.)

  • Auto-linked email address can now optionally contain a 'mailto:' protocol. I.e. these are equivalent:

  • Fixed annoying bug where nested lists would wind up with spurious (and invalid) <p> tags.

  • You can now write empty links:

    and they'll be turned into anchor tags with empty href attributes.This should have worked before, but didn't.

  • ***this*** and ___this___ are now turned into

    Instead of

    which isn't valid. (Thanks to Michel Fortin for the fix.)

  • Added a new substitution in _EncodeCode(): s/$/$/g; This is only for the benefit of Blosxom users, because Blosxom (sometimes?) interpolates Perl scalars in your article bodies.

  • Fixed problem for links defined with urls that include parens, e.g.:

    'Chomsky' was being erroneously treated as the URL's title.

  • At some point during 1.0's beta cycle, I changed every sub's argument fetching from this idiom:


    The idea was to keep Markdown from doing any work in a subif the input was empty. This introduced a bug, though:if the input to any function was the single-character string'0', it would also evaluate as false and return immediately.How silly. Now fixed.


Donations to support Markdown's development are happily accepted. See:http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ for details.

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2003-2004 John Gruber
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or withoutmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions aremet:

  • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

  • Neither the name 'Markdown' nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors 'asis' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limitedto, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for aparticular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright owneror contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special,exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to,procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, orprofits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory ofliability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (includingnegligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of thissoftware, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

Miki Miki Academy Demo Mac OS

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