Svante Mac OS

Svante Mac OS

May 30 2021

Svante Mac OS

Since Mac OS 10.10.1 – 10.10.3, some Finder and Window features are slow down to around 1/30 compared to Mac OS 10.6.8.:-(SORRY, but I’m so angry with the extreme and lagging Performance from Mac OS 10.10.3 that I really want to kick the stupid Mac OS Programmer in her A.! But Thanks for the Information.

To date, Macintosh Repository served 1419393 old Mac files, totaling more than 279354.2GB! Downloads last 24h = 790: 141824.4MB Last 5000 friend visitors from all around the world come from. Svante 0.1.0 pip install svante Copy PIP instructions. Released: Apr 23, 2021. OS Independent Programming Language. The general recommendation is either to stick with 1.8 (the version is supplied with OS X 10.5), or use Ruby 1.9. MacPorts has packages for Ruby 1.8.7 and Ruby 1.9, so that is probably the easiest way to get newer versions of Ruby without any risk of modifying OS X itself. UPDATE: As ajhit406 noted, RVM is now the best option, rather than MacPorts. QTKitServer streams data to/from Quicktime X to Quicktime 7. Generally this is because video is being accessed/manipulated using a codec not directly supported by QTX, or something is trying to perform an action that QTX doesn't support (most of the QT transcoding, filtering, and editing functions).

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Apache OpenOffice track at ApacheCon: Day 2

Here are a few selected topics from Day 2 of the Apache OpenOffice track at ApacheCon Europe.

For full coverage, see the reports from Day 1 and Day 3.

OpenOffice in the cloud: online version

Judging by the number of questions made during the presentation and by the number of 'new' faces in the audience, the star of Day 2 at the Apache OpenOffice track in ApacheCon Europe was Jian Hong Cheng and Fan Zheng's presentation about 'Cloud Apache OpenOffice Based on HTML 5'. The prototype implementation shown during the presentation relies on a 'headless' instance of Apache OpenOffice that runs on a remote server, listens to the actions the user performs in the browser, and provides XML snippets in response, which are in turn rendered in the browser. Although the code is still at an early stage, this is an exciting development! Many Apache folks attending the session provided feedback and suggested technologies, so this looks like a project where Apache OpenOffice can benefit from input from the Apache community at large.

In related news, the presentation by Xiu Li Xu, Kejia Ye, qi hui, Shenfeng Liu, DaLi Liu focused on how to integrate OpenSocial with Apache OpenOffice to accelerate the content sharing and support the business in cloud. Two social extensions for Apache OpenOffice were demonstrated. These improvements will already be implemented in Apache OpenOffice 4.0, coming in early 2013.

Bashing Apache OpenOffice for a good cause

A series of talks today had a peculiarity in common: they were all highly critical of specific technical features of Apache OpenOffice. But they did it for a good cause: these parts have recently been improved, or will be soon, in the undergoing major effort towards a more maintainable code base, offering easier entry points to developers but preserving the current stability of the code:

  • Andre Fischer destroyed the current slide show functionality with a great talk on how we can achieve smoother, eye-pleasant animations in Apache OpenOffice Impress. As he put it, currently 'Impress... doesn't', but a proper redesign will allow a better integration of video and audio and direct support for 3D effects. Andre concluded his presentation by showing an experiment of smooth video playing with on-the-fly 3D transformations.
  • Herbert Duerr pointed out the opportunities with platform integration: the issues we are now having with system integration require work on many areas, including 64-bit ports and multi-threading. And the Apache OpenOffice code is written at a level that makes some basic system integrations difficult, but support for specific features such as some 'gestures' in Mac OS X is coming in 4.0.
  • Pedro Giffuni showed how outdated dependencies were making the early Apache OpenOffice code unnecessarily complex and easy to break. The 'IP clearance' period, one of the first actions taken during incubation, allowed to get rid of useless dependencies and to replace some outdated code, while preserving the previous functonality and stability and making ports (like the FreeBSD port) easier.
  • Dwayne Bailey, one of the main Pootle developers, and Juergen Schmidt made a comprehensive analysis of what can be improved in Pootle and in the Apache OpenOffice localization process respectively. The new Pootle will include an easy-to-use AJAX interface and direct support for translation memories and suggestions. Dwayne will be looking into extending Pootle with functionality useful for a new, simplified localization process currently in early stages of development at Apache OpenOffice. It is worth noting that the Apache OpenOffice repositories already support more than 100 languages, but only 20 are released since the project policy is to release only complete translations. Version 4.0 is already scheduled to be released in at least 8 new languages and we welcome translation volunteers for other languages.
Andre demonstrating his work on real-time video rendering in Impress: impressive!
Herbert explaining support for mobile devices
Juergen showing the many languages we support in Pootle (the source code has even more); only a few dozens are at 100% and thus conform to the Apache OpenOffice release policy

Community activities

Several talks mentioned how Apache OpenOffice can better integrate with the Apache community at large: opportunities for cooperation are huge and we definitely look forward to exploiting them.

And those who still had energy after a full day of talks gathered just before dinner for a community panel. A lot of ideas came out of the group, including: creating a new entry point for Apache OpenOffice press requests, welcoming requests in different languages; getting Apache OpenOffice published in App Stores; packaging Apache OpenOffice for the most common (or all!) GNU/Linux distributions; setting goals for version 4.0, like doubling the number of supported languages.

You can see a 3D rendering of the group here (courtesy Andrew Rist): ; if you are curious to know who's who, in the flat version at you see (left to right): half Juergen, Oliver, Andrea, Mechtilde, Herbert, Caroline, imacat, Christoph, Michael, Svante, Dwayne, Pedro, Andre, Rony, empty, Svante again (!), Armin, half Juergen.

Posted at 02:41PM Nov 08, 2012 by pescetti in General

Apache OpenOffice track at ApacheCon: Day 1

The OpenOffice official debut at ApacheCon was definitely successful, with the big Apache community providing a warm welcome to the Apache OpenOffice folks. All presentations are being recorded (audio and slides) and they will gradually be made available on the ApacheCon site, but we are picking a few topics from Day 1 of the OpenOffice track for those who couldn't attend the conference.

For full coverage, see the reports from Day 2 and Day 3.

Status and future of Apache OpenOffice and its ecosystem

What's coming in Apache OpenOffice 4.0? And when? And, in general, what does the future of the product and the project look like? What happened during the latest 16 months and what is the current status? You can get the answers from Andrea's presentation below, 'OpenOffice at Apache'; it is divided into two parts, the first one taken from a 'personal' perspective, the second one from a 'broader' one.

Two presentations described in detail specific significant technical improvements coming to OpenOffice in 2013:

  • Andre Fischer presented the ongoing accessibility work, that will already be integrated in OpenOffice 4.0. Enhanced support for IAccessible2 will make Apache OpenOffice a world-class application as far as accessibility is concerned. It will also include support for the main screen readers on Windows: JAWS and ZoomText and will simplify government adoption of Apache OpenOffice by complying with Section 508 and similar regulations.
  • Armin LeGrand presented his impressive work (ongoing for 2.5 years, with an estimated 6 months remaining) on migrating the OpenOffice DrawingLayer, one of the central components in Apache OpenOffice, used for the internal rendering of graphic objects in all the applications, to a more modern code. The huge development can be followed in branch aw080 and it already differs in more than 340,000 lines of code from the current code. Improvements will have positive effects on stability, speed, precision and enable more fancy features in the future.

The presentations about Apache OpenOffice were complemented by a review of the status and possible future ideas for two fundamental components of the Apache OpenOffice ecosystem: the Extensions and Templates websites. The presentation, by Roberto Galoppini (who could not attend due to food poisoning, unfortunately, and was replaced by Andrea Pescetti) can be found on Roberto's blog. As you can read there, Roberto looks forward to feedback and suggestions from the community.

ODF sessions

Besides Apache OpenOffice as a product and as a project, another important topic in the Apache OpenOffice track is the ODF format. An interesting panel discussion about the current status of ODF and future improvements was moderated by Svante Schubert and Oliver-Rainer Wittman. Among the new features coming in future ODF versions, we discussed in detail the new change tracking, with an introduction by Oliver-Rainer Wittman, an analysis of options and challenges by Svante Schubert and a demo of an extension for an improved change-tracking by Peter Rakyta from MultiRacio Ltd.

Community and fun

The ApacheCon offered opportunities for some social activities too. Old project volunteers could meet the recent community members in person for the first time. Community activities ranged from a constructive session about building and maturing the community (moderated by imacat and Andrew Rist, with outcomes to appear on the dev mailing list soon) to moments of crazy geeky fun with imacat's presentations (made with... Calc!) on how to render music videos in Calc!

A presentation made with Calc!
Gangnam Style, as stop-motion in Apache OpenOffice Calc
You can also see imacat's presentation on Slideshare or download it as a large Apache OpenOffice Calc file.

Posted at 01:13AM Nov 08, 2012 by alg in General

Giles Turnbull wrote a fun piece for O’Reilly showcasing the Docks of some OS X users. This is my Dock (well, as of last week…the one on my new Powerbook looks a bit different now). What does yours look like? Post a screenshot to your site and paste a link (and description if you’d like) to it in the comments.

Reader comments

Oct 01, 2003 at 4:41PM

Here’s mine… I am a “default position” person like you. Also keep things as small as possible (the screen cap is actual size). I just go by the pictures… No need for anything big.
I love the idea, and it’s interesting to see who you are similar too. John Gruber in my case.

Oct 01, 2003 at 4:41PM

My Dock. From left to right: Finder, Safari, Mail, iChat (custom icon), BBEdit (custom icon), NetNewsWire, MacReporter, Word, iTunes, Photoshop, InDesign, Speed Download, Watson, Dreamweaver (custom icon), Wallet, Applications folder, various windows, and Trash. Also, I use Cocktail to position it on the bottom all the way to the left of the screen (so application icons never move when the dock resizes).

Oct 01, 2003 at 4:42PM

What’s the little blue rocketship icon in the center?

Oct 01, 2003 at 4:43PM

hey Ken, your Calendar icon defaults to July 17th as well! nice!

Oct 01, 2003 at 4:46PM

Here’s mine. It’s a little large, but someday I hope to clean it up and shrink it down a little.

Oct 01, 2003 at 4:47PM

My iCal defaults to July 17th as well - why is that?

Oct 01, 2003 at 4:47PM

I’ll play along. Here’s my Dock.

Oct 01, 2003 at 4:49PM

First post here. I keepmy dock hidden on the bottom of the screen. Until I get a bigger monitor that is.

Oct 01, 2003 at 4:53PM

Your iCal icon defaults to July 17 because iCal isn’t running. Open the app and it displays the current date. I think that Jobs is commemerating the day—July 17 according to some—that he killed a hobo in San Mateo.

Oct 01, 2003 at 4:54PM

Two shots of mine over there. Nobody else customizes system icons, besides every single app’s icon? I’m a freak. I keep it hidden and use magnification.

Oct 01, 2003 at 5:05PM

Finder, Safari, Microsoft Entourage, Preview, QuickTime Player, iTunes, BBEdit Lite, TextEdit, Calculator, System Preferences, SwapTop, Trash.
I use LaunchBar to access everything else.

Oct 01, 2003 at 5:06PM

Here’s mine - not nearly as incriminating as I would hope for in a situation like this. I did at one point have Mozilla represented by an Elvis icon, though.

Oct 01, 2003 at 5:20PM

Mine is here, usually sits on the right side unless I am working longer in Illu or InDesign where I put it to the bottom with autohide on. Currently Hydra (SubEthaEdit) is in the center for all the SVG work.
Apart from an app launcher for frequently needed apps I like the dock for files that would otherwise open with the wrong app. eg I default to Acrobat Reader 5 but sometimes need Adobe Reader 6. Also for some video files that QT won’t play I have mplayer in the dock.
Though superior iCal will soon leave the dock since iSync is just too slow compared to the PalmDesktop.
BTW: Congrats Jason to your 15” PB, perfect timing (others were less lucky … ) What are your reasons to prefer Camino over Safari I am wondering.

Oct 01, 2003 at 5:33PM

Not sure if I’d dig it as much with a smaller screen, but a 22” cinema dock rules.

Oct 01, 2003 at 5:37PM

Here’s mine. As a cocoa and applescript studio developer, these are my essentials. Quark, PhotoShop, and Illustrator are just running for now - they’re not permanent fixtures.

Oct 01, 2003 at 5:42PM

Hmm, I think I might have the highest concentration of Apple apps thus far. I hide my dock at the bottom - no magnification.
In left to right order, the apps are: Finder,, Safari, NetNewsWire, Oracle Calendar (for work), ICal, Address Book, SubEthaEdit, iChat AV, iTunes, Omnigraffle Pro, Sherlock, Terminal, Backup and Transmit.

Oct 01, 2003 at 5:47PM

wow. I just downloaded the OPML file from today, and was weeding through some sites just to make it managable. The first site I came to was a guy putting a picture of his dock. *delete* Now my man Jason Kottke? Oh no! No worries, though. Won’t be taking out of the feed on feeds config anytime soon.

Oct 01, 2003 at 5:49PM

Mine’s here. The list of apps is posted there alongside.
I’m embarrassed by how “vanilla” it seems. Really, I’m a lot more interesting than that. I hope.

Oct 01, 2003 at 5:54PM

Here ya go:

Oct 01, 2003 at 5:55PM

Here’s mine. Looks like I need to get LaunchBar and do some house cleaning.
Dock Size: Small
Manification: On / midway between Min and Max
Position: Lefty
Minimize using: Genie Effect
Animate: Yes
Hide: No

Oct 01, 2003 at 6:05PM

i’m going for the most unadulterated, but still has the neccessary stuff award

Oct 01, 2003 at 6:07PM

I don’t think that a picture is really needed for mine. It’s on the right hand side. From the top: Finder, Safari, Terminal, IE (rarely activated), System Preferences (I really should get rid of it, I never use it), GraphicConverter, BBEdit, NetNewsWire Lite (new version out today!), Yahoo! Messenger (for talking to my niece), iChat, Acrobat 5, @Time (way cool way to quickly see times around the world), Eudora 6, separator, Trash.

Oct 01, 2003 at 6:10PM

My day is winding down so there’s not much running, but here’s my dock action.
Highlights for those who choose not to click through:
- drag thing in upper left
- main dock is medium sized with some magnification and hidden at the bottom
- trashcan icon has been changed to prevent me from habitually/obsessively/perhaps unnecessarily emptying out the trash
- explorer, netscape, and opera spell out “eno” for a favorite composer/record producer of mine.

Oct 01, 2003 at 6:14PM

Oct 01, 2003 at 6:15PM

And mine. Not much to say, although I’ve always been a “dock on bottom” guy and always will be.
How are you liking the new 15” PowerBook?

Oct 01, 2003 at 6:25PM

another dock. I did clean it up a tad after the first screen grab…realized there was some crud I no longer needed/used. So, at worst this thread has made my life a little neater.

Oct 01, 2003 at 6:49PM

iCal defaults to July 17 because that was the date of its release.
Here’s mine.
The apps are:
1. Finder
2. Safari
3. NNW
4. Mail
5. iCal
6. Address Book
7. Burn (Blackhole Media)
8. iTunes
9 PodWorks (mainly because I wrote it, and I like the icon :-)
10. iSync
11. PasswordMaster (Railhead Design)
12. BBEdit
13. XCode (Jaguar Version)
14. VoodooPad (Flying Meat Software)
15. Terminal
16. Transmit

Oct 01, 2003 at 6:52PM

Dockudrama. I think I may be the first person to have Final Draft and Cubase. See how creative I am.

Oct 01, 2003 at 7:00PM

Know what bugs me most about the dock? Lack of orginisation. If you put them into folders, then you loose all the special properties that the dock icons have. Even if it was just dividers, it would be nice.
My dock is rather bland, since my Mac isn’t my main machine. And it’s at the bottom to. I like it hidden to.

Oct 01, 2003 at 7:10PM

I blogged about my dock this morning.Here’s the entry.

Oct 01, 2003 at 8:05PM

Damn. I want a mac. I have my little icon bar in XP set up to lock sort of like a dock, without all the pretty features. I hate icons on my desktop - they’re useless if they’re under my running apps…. but my bar is at the top of the screen… looks like OSX doesn’t let you do that?

Oct 01, 2003 at 8:21PM

Here’s mine.
I am one of the few who has altered the application icon of an item in my Dock - but it’s only because the application hasn’t transitioned into a nice smoothed OS-X-style icon yet.
From left to right:
Finder, Microsoft Entourage, NetNewsWire, Safari, Snak, iChat, iTunes, Watson, Super Collapse! II, Diiva (with a custom cherry icon), Mathematica, Microsoft Word, Transmit, Microsoft Remote Desktop, BBEdit, QuickTime Player, Terminal, System Preferences
Anyone else miss the hidden blue-triangle-indicates-the-active-app feature as much as me?

Oct 01, 2003 at 8:33PM

Me, too! The usual suspects, I think. Virtual PC 6 is in there, which I don’t think I’ve seen on th the Docks posted so far.
Only the Finder and Trash have a permanent home in my Dock. I have an AppleScript that opens all of my “default” apps each day, and I use LaunchBar beyond that.

Oct 01, 2003 at 8:44PM

my dock is fine. but launchbar is the best way to launch an app.

Oct 01, 2003 at 8:44PM

I know I’m not invited - but here’s my Windows XP QuickLaunch bar:
Mozilla Firebird (browser), Mozilla Thunderbird (mail/news), NewzCrawler (excellent RSS reader), Show Desktop (no “expose”, I suppose), Photoshop, Notepad (which has never crash on me), a custom SSH script for work, Cygwin (linux shell for windows), Winamp, Microsoft Word, and HomeSite.

Oct 01, 2003 at 8:52PM

My dock “in action” while working on a project: What’s up, Dock?

Oct 01, 2003 at 9:05PM

PS: LaunchBar rawks! Hence, no Dock clicking for me!

Oct 01, 2003 at 9:35PM

I feel like a complete git posting my dock online. It is like showing off the color of your underwear. Going through this posts comments is like going through someone’s medicine cabinet when going to toilet in their house. And I like that. So here’s mine.

Oct 01, 2003 at 9:40PM

now my iCal says, “UIZ 1”
whats up with that?

Oct 01, 2003 at 9:51PM

What a great idea this was. I’ve found a few great applications from just viewing other people’s docks. Here’s my here. I also added a post on my blog regarding this.

Oct 01, 2003 at 10:43PM

Here’s mine. In the dock: Finder (custom iconPath Finder, iTerm, Mailsmith, SpamSieve, Camino, NetNewsWire, Comictastic, Watson, BBEdit Lite, Adium, iJournal, xJournal, Quicken 2003, Word, Excel, Entourage, GraphicConverter, iTunes, Quinn (nice Tetris freeware), and Trash (custom icon).

Oct 01, 2003 at 10:44PM

Whoops. Let’s try a slightly cleaner version of that:
Here’s mine. In the dock: Finder (custom icon), Path Finder, iTerm, Mailsmith, SpamSieve, Camino, NetNewsWire, Comictastic, Watson, BBEdit Lite, Adium, iJournal, xJournal, Quicken 2003, Word, Excel, Entourage, GraphicConverter, iTunes, Quinn (nice Tetris freeware), and Trash (custom icon).

Oct 01, 2003 at 11:18PM

Still not a fan of the dock in principle (I’m always opening the wrong applications because the icons are too small…still…after over two years of use), but I digress: here’s mine.

Oct 01, 2003 at 11:39PM

Here’s mine. Left to right… Finder, CPU Monitor, Terminal, iTunes, BBEdit, SubEthaEdit, Transmit, Download Wizard, Safari, Proteus, iChat, Mail, TextEdit, Nisus Thesaurus, iCal, OmniGraffle, iPhoto, QuickTime, Preview, Photoshop, Illustrator, Blender, Home folder, Downloads folder, Projects folder, Apache documents folder, Trash.

Oct 02, 2003 at 12:15AM

My friend, Stewy McVespa, needs to post his incredibly tiny Dock here. It is so teeny-tiny, microscopically <tigger>reedikulus</tigger>.

Oct 02, 2003 at 12:21AM

Here’s my contribution to all this dock voyeur mania.

Oct 02, 2003 at 12:59AM

I find this like a lame twist of submitting your desktop screenshot for others to view. With a desktop, at least you get a feel of what type of user is in front of the screen using the machine. But a dock? It’s still just a dock. The icons change a bit, and sometimes it’s on the right sometimes on the left but besides that, there’s not much to customize, impress or even interest others…
I don’t really understand how this got to 54 comments. The iTunes link was much more interesting.

Oct 02, 2003 at 1:05AM

Actually what would be interesting would be compiling these posts and having statistical data for different elements including:
- number of icons
- dock position
- kind of icons (customized or default)
- magnify on/off
- icons grouped by kind, usage or company (adobe, ms)
- etc…
But this is getting very geeky.

Oct 02, 2003 at 1:51AM

I like a lot of stuff on it, small, on the right, auto-hide, and no magnification. But I still think the Dock is pretty lousy as an interface.

Oct 02, 2003 at 2:06AM

Here’smine. Its going to put a well-hung man to shame.

Oct 02, 2003 at 2:39AM

Well, I don’t have a mac, but I do have a dock. =D
Although my dock isn’t nearly as …well-endowed as Jasmeet’s. =P
See for yourself. =)

Oct 02, 2003 at 2:49AM

My Dock includes: Finder, System Prefecences, CopyPaste, Terminal, X11, Mail, Safari, Mozilla, Address Book, Radio Userland, SubEthaEdit, TeXShop, iStorm, iChalk, Watson, MacJournal, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OmniGraffle, Keynote, Citrix ICA Client, Acrobat 5.0, Acrobat Distiller, Acrobat Reader 6.0, Illustrator, Photoshop, GraphicConverter, Preview, iPhoto, Image Capture, RealOne Player, QuickTime Player, iTunes, Process Viewer, Console, Stuffit Expander, VPN Client, iChat AV, Fugu, Internet Connect, Text Edit, shortcut to ICA settings, shortcut to Terminal commands, home directory, Trash.
By the way, yesterday I removed half a dozen items from the Dock.

Oct 02, 2003 at 2:54AM

…and mine over here,
-Bottom of the screen, full screen width
-15 always-running apps, 5 occasional apps, 1 URL.
- Transparent thanks to ClearDock.

Oct 02, 2003 at 3:23AM

I’m in. Not terribly exciting, but I’m in.

Oct 02, 2003 at 3:59AM

Here is mine running on a Mac OS 10.2.8 (yes, before Apple pulled it out from their site) powered by PB17.

Oct 02, 2003 at 4:10AM

My Dock. This shot only includes permanent items in my Dock (I quit all my transient apps before taking the shot). From left to right: Finder, System Preferences, iPulse, Eudora 6 (with Eudora 5 icon), OmniWeb, NetNewsWire Pro, Interarchy, BBEdit, Terminal, iCal, iTunes, iPhoto, SuperGetInfo, StuffIt Expander, Spell Catcher X, Radio UserLand.
So here’s a question: What’s up with everyone having Panic Software’s Transmit in their Dock? It’s the only FTP client I’ve seen in all the examples here. Is it that much better than Interarchy, or other competitors?

Oct 02, 2003 at 5:18AM

Usually on the right, stuck at the end, but for the screenshot it is placed the bottom, here is my dock.

Oct 02, 2003 at 5:35AM

Kottke, you amaze me with your ability to tap into the lizard-brain of web design geeks everywhere. Bravo.
On a spankin new 15-inch TiBook, bottom-screen, magnification off, here’s mine:
(left-to-right) SuperGetInfo, Tinderbox, OmniGraffle, BBEdit, Safari, Mozilla, Mozilla Firebird, Camino, Internet Explorer, Eudora, Fire, ImageReady, PhotoShop, InterArchy, DreamWeaverMX, NetBeans IDE, FlashMX, Flash Player, FireWorksMX, Terminal, CiscoVPN, Watson, iTunes, Reason, System Prefs, NetWork Utility, NetInfo Manager, Stuffit Expander, MemoryStick, Default Folder, Adobe Acrobat, Flash Player 7, Hard Disk, Trash
… everything your friendly neighborhood web manager could want, but still, not enough. :)

Oct 02, 2003 at 6:46AM

This is very cool. Here’s mine. :)

Oct 02, 2003 at 8:26AM

And mine as well.

Oct 02, 2003 at 9:45AM

Post # 243:
I might be a little late, but here is my Dock.

Oct 02, 2003 at 9:58AM

@ Michael Alderete
Transmit is in my mind one of the best FTP clients out there. I have used Interarchy, Fetch and others but for ease of use Transmit gives them all a run for their money and then some. As a designer I use secure FTP a lot and I don’t see why it should be more difficult than drag and drop. Transmit is a program in the best tradition of Apple software, it does what you want it to do and keeps all the tech stuff to a minimum.

Oct 02, 2003 at 10:14AM

Some of us designers are stuck using PCs. Here’s my Taskbar. Desktop, WinExplorer, Network, Outlook, IE, Opera, NS4.7, NS7.1, Firebird, Photoshop, Indesgin, Quark, Illustrator, Textpad, Flash, StudioMax, ATM, Character Map Pro (a lifesaver!), Snag-It, Trillian and Calculator.

Oct 02, 2003 at 11:30AM

Peer pressure has led me to post this. I suspect many other software developers have a similar setup.
Several of the icons are for products that aren’t released yet, including my latest release of iPulse. Hush, hush and all that.

Oct 02, 2003 at 11:35AM

KOTTKE is alright! Why does there always gotta be a hater in these pleasant threads? “Umm, actually Jason I find this post to be lame.” If this is the case, you ain’t cut out for the dock game, so stop hatin’! For reals!
Do you go into the studio and tell Dr. Dre that he shouldn’t be illin’ out over this new phat beat he just put together? Do you tell Christopher Lowell to calm the fuck down because those drapes aren’t really all that? Do you tell Kyan the Grooming Guy to chill out about the wonders of the Bliss facial? I didn’t think so, Jones!
People, y’all need to stop bottling up everything inside and embrace this fine example of pure, unadulterated love as shown here by our host and our guests! Y’all need to understand that this right here is the very excitement that makes life worth living, ya heard? This player don’t care if you’re passionate about universal health care or gettin’ bizee! What matters is that you care about something! And this rapper thinks that a little more caring about shit in this here world wouldn’t be such a bad thing…now would it?
P.S. — Great docks, homies. Great docks.

Oct 02, 2003 at 12:00PM

Here’s my win xp quicklaunch bar - I dont use a Mac but I feel left out ;-)
I’d post my AmigaOS ToolManager dock too but I’m at work and its at home…

Oct 02, 2003 at 12:15PM

I blogged mine just then. Weirdly enough, there’s a bunch of things I use a lot that aren’t in there.

Oct 02, 2003 at 12:21PM

So who’s putting all of this in a table for us? This is marketing gold for Apple and Apple developers, of course.

Oct 02, 2003 at 1:08PM

Here’s mine . What surprises me is that almost no one is using folders in theirs for stuff. From left to right: Finder, iCal, Address Book, Mail, iTunes, IE, Safari, then a folder for my various hard drives, Often used Folders, Application sets, and clients. (then the trash of course.

Oct 02, 2003 at 1:30PM

my dock is fairly boring too. but then, really i just use my mac for testing and playing iconquer.

Oct 02, 2003 at 1:55PM

Pretty simple stuff on mine.
Left to right:
1. Finder
2. Mail
3. Explorer
4. iTunes
5. Text Edit
6. Word
7. Photoshop
8. BBEdit
9. rBrowser Lite
10. Netscape
11. Safari
12. System Preferences
13. Proteus
14. AthenaIRC
15. Preview
16. Aquisition
17. Limewire
18. Applications Folder
19. (minimized)
20. Trash

Oct 02, 2003 at 2:26PM

This is my dock at work. Starting with the most used apps: Finder, iTerm, Mozilla, jEdit, Fire, and AmphetaDesk… after that it fluctuates depending on what I’m working on at the moment, then rounds out with StuffIt Expander, SlashDock, and LoadIndock, plus a few folder aliases, one for apps, one for notes, and one for whatever I’m currently working on.

Oct 02, 2003 at 3:28PM

Here’s mine
Oh sorry, you said DOCK.

Oct 02, 2003 at 4:13PM

Craig Hockenberry said:Peer pressure has led me to post this.
Craig, those icons are awesome! Where did you…? Oh.

Oct 02, 2003 at 4:19PM

Yah! *
Now I need to get home and send my Linux dock in…we use OS9 at work (too cheap to upgrade, I know!), but I use SuSE Linux more at home.
Cool idea!

Oct 02, 2003 at 4:35PM

I updated mine after discovering right-side Dock pinning. Oh yeah—no more jumping Trash can! And to expand the love…a screenshot of my LaunchBar.

Oct 02, 2003 at 4:59PM

Oct 02, 2003 at 7:59PM

I would like to correct the misapprehension stated earlier that no-one has any other FTP client than Transmit in their dock. Simple viewing of mine (listed earlier) will reveal the excellent Fetch.

Svante Mac Os Catalina

Oct 02, 2003 at 8:31PM

I fearfully post this but there is a PC doc called ObjectDock. My dock on my Windows XP can be found here. I am a Mac wanna be and this allows me to dream.

Oct 03, 2003 at 12:21AM

And here you are.

Oct 03, 2003 at 12:52AM

Jordon, I use ObjectDock as well. =)
You should check out, they have much prettier icons than the default OD ones. =D
(If you scroll up and look at my dock, you’ll see what I mean.)

Oct 03, 2003 at 3:04AM

I’m a little late, but it’s better late than never. I position my dock on the right anchoring it at the top using Tinkertool. I also choose to have my hidden apps show up transparent.
Finder, Safari, Kung-Log, NetNewsWire, AIM, iCal, Mail, Address Book, iTunes, iPhoto, Image Capture, Photoshop, Taco HTML Edit, Fetch, Stickies, and AOL (dial up at home, no choice)

Oct 03, 2003 at 3:44AM

My mac’s dock, running left to right: apps folder, OSXvnc, mail, safari, firebird, ichatAV, terminal, transmit, windows RDC, SubthaEdit, BBEdit, Photoshop, Illustrator, iPhoto, and iTunes. Stuff on the right are currently running apps only and the trash can.
I run drag thing as my launcher on the left and transparent dock to show running apps on my right. It’s essentially the same setup that I’ve used for the past 8 years on a PC running windows and I like it. The apps folder on the far left can be right clicked to act essentially as a start button. I always know where photoshop and mail are, so it’s easier to launch stuff than the standard dock, where they are constantly shifting around.
My PC dock has a similar setup.
I separate my quicklaunch bar into internet stuff on the left, standard apps on the right, with some saved URLs in a bar as well as the address launcher.

Oct 03, 2003 at 6:22AM

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Here is mine. Does anybody know how to hide the Finder?

Oct 03, 2003 at 10:57AM

Ecco lo. This is just my work dock. My home dock’s pretty different, though probably less interesting. Anyoldhoo, you’re looking at: Finder, PasswordMaster, DropStuff, PrintCenter, Retrospect, Terminal, Cyberduck FTP, NetNewsWire, Safari, Entourage, TextEdit, Photoshop, Style Master, Acrobat Professional, VectorWorks, Illustrator, System Preferences, plus 3 custom-icon folders that contain even more regularly used apps and documents. Only VectorWorks doesn’t get used a few times a day. It’s a CAD thing, and I’m no CAD user.

Oct 03, 2003 at 11:24AM

And mine. Basically, you’re looking at my everyday applications and admin utilities. Several of which I simply drag documents on when I can’t access them through a contextual menu (that’s why Expander/Dropstuff aren’t there).
The Dock is situated in the lower left corner of my screen. That way, it only grows in one direction, and my essential apps are always located in the same place - no moving targets.

Oct 04, 2003 at 4:06AM

My Dock.
Everying currently on that pic “lives” on the dock. Those are the programs I have running while I’m at work. I’m on a 12” pbook, so I keep the dock small. I use magnification so I can click on the right thing when I need it. I use the dock more for launching than switching (I keep everything stacked just right on the screen that there’s always some piece of the window showing through that I can click on). Now that I’m running LaunchBar, I’ll probably set the dock to hide and free up that much more real estate. I might even go crazy and move it to one side or the other.

Oct 04, 2003 at 1:51PM

I’d like to play, too! (For some odd reason, my Transmit FTP icon has been looking rather funky lately. Hmm.)

Oct 04, 2003 at 5:07PM

Here’s a page I posted some months ago on how I tamed my dock. I use dragthing + transparent dock to get the desired effect.

Oct 04, 2003 at 10:24PM

My Dock. Just to contribute.

Oct 05, 2003 at 2:42AM

Yet another dock. I started with a just a few items, but it’s grown and once I realized how many apps I keep open at once, I saw no reason to keep it lean. and I admit a little pruning is in order. It’s 1024 here. I’m one of the vertical-left-dock-people…

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Oct 06, 2003 at 9:35AM

Your little dock is very pretty. You might want to think twice about pulling it out in public, though, friend.

Oct 07, 2003 at 3:31PM

heres mine

Oct 09, 2003 at 12:13AM

I did it too. My dock is here:

Oct 09, 2003 at 9:05AM

Per peer pressure (Jasmeet), here is my dock. The items on the dock are: Finder, X-Chat Aqua, Mail, Mozilla Firebird, Safari, iChat, ICQ, BitTorrent, Address Book, iCal, iTunes, DVD Player, iPhoto, Preview, Neverwinter Nights, TextEdit, Calculator, Terminal, FileMaker Pro 6, FileMaker Pro 4 (os9), Heidrun (a hotline client), Remote Desktop (Apple, not Microsoft), Fireworks MX, Adobe Photoshop 7.0, System Preferences, Temperature Monitor, Disk Utility, X11, and Virtual PC. The extended items are: my Home folder, Documents, Applications, Microsoft Office X (4 less icons that way), Remote Desktop Connection (the Microsoft one), and a shortcut to Macintosh HD (which I use to get to os9 stuff).
As an added bonus, I’ve also captured my dock after reading through this page. I’ve found many useful utilities (waste, not). The items on the new dock, to the right of Virtual PC are NetNewsWire, LaunchBar, SpamSieve, VoodooPad, and Spring. These 5 apps I haven’t used before. There would be a sixth, Interarchy, however their application is buy-only and has no shareware or freeware edition. The best of the new apps look to be Spring, and NetNewsWire. I’ll probably fork SpamSieve (eg, no icon), and hide launchbar. Spring seemingly superedes the VoodooPad app in features (but is much buggy/in development).

Oct 09, 2003 at 4:28PM

No dock.
I run an applescrript at startup that kills the dock and then use LaunchBar and LiteSwitch to open and switch apps.

Oct 09, 2003 at 4:54PM

Enough with the Docks.
How about the menu bar? Here’s a link to my menu bar posting. Show us your menu bar.

Oct 09, 2003 at 5:45PM

I haven’t seen 4D jet, nor RagTime or Book. Here is the dock to see.

Oct 09, 2003 at 7:07PM

My dock as of 10/8/2003. I’ve only been running OS X about three weeks, so I’m still tweaking.
My menu bar is boring. Just Norton, WeatherPop, iChat status, Volume, and Time.

Oct 09, 2003 at 7:43PM

I’m … speechless. Never in my wildest dreams (nightmares?) did I think that writing the “What’s on your Dock?” article would prompt so many people to actually go ahead and post their Dock shots everywhere.
Still, it’s been highly entertaining to watch and read. :)

Oct 10, 2003 at 12:42AM

My dock, well my desktop as of 10/3/2003. While I find looking at peoples docks great for discovering utilities, and applications, I mostly think my dock is useful but boring. My most frequently used applications are there, unless they can be called by a keystroke. I like my dock left mounted, then starting from the top, we have basic productivity, then web/internet work; then my utilities/services—Watson, NetNewsWire, StickyBrain, iCal, Address Book, etc. Equally as important to me is quick access to folders. I keep the Desktop Folder, Applications, Documents, and Home folders stored here.
I keep newsfeeds on my rightside, so most applications don’t cover them, and then I have the Snoopy gang to help me keep my desktop clutter free. Everything that would clutter my desktop goes here, until I actually file it. Outside of that, while I’m not a fan of clutter, I do adore distraction, my desktop image is set to rotate every hour, and the news feeds update every half hour, so when I’m working there’s enough of a distraction to make me smile, then get back to it.
I also enjoy what’s not in my dock—I use FruitMenu to customize the Apple Menu, F10 Launch for quick, categorical access to other applications, but two tools I find of great use are BuddyPop, which allows me to look up AddressBook items without opening the AddressBook, and PicturePop, which allows me to quickly browse a folder of pictures, without opening iPhoto or someother applications. Now if I could just find something that would display my daily calendar without opening iCal, I’d be SOOO happy.
I also really enjoy OS X Services, which has allowed me to reduce the number of items in my dock. Things like TextSoap, Nisus Thesaurus, etc, all run services which make them accessible from any application, without placing them in the dock. Which is nice. Konfabulator is also my friend, just having the news feeds, and the ability to switch back between two different sets of news items (my Daily, and random others), makes it well worth the cost, but then add the five day weather forecast, lyricscrapper, and sweet search and it becomes invaluable.
I love this thread. I love seeing how people organizing their workspace.

Oct 13, 2003 at 8:49AM

Here is my blog on my dock.
the most unusual parts are probably Fire instead of iChat, Eudora instead of Apple Mail, and XTelevision for my ProTV Stereo, for which Formac didn’t create working MacOS X software (Well, if you dig a little, you can find a leaked pre-release of their intended software, but it is more like a slide show…).

Oct 19, 2003 at 12:54PM

Here’s mine…more of a pier if you ask me…

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.

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